Tuesday, July 20, 2010

An Interview with Annie

Q - How long have you known you were Livin' With an Ism?

A - Two days - wait - no - how long have we known it? What is an ism again?

Q - An ism is something that challenges us, but that God is helping us through. Let's redirect. Tell me what it's like when you read a book?

A - It's kind of complicated, especially when there are BIG, BIG words.

Q - What makes it complicated?

A - When I read words they wobble, jiggle and bounce off the wall.

Q - Does that make it harder or more fun to read?

A - Makes it kind of hard to read, especially if my mom wants me to do it.

Q - Are words the only things that wobble, jiggle and bounce?

A- Mmm.... Sometimes numbers and also they flip upside down.

Q - What does your brain tell you when they flip upside down.

A - My brain says, "This is a different word, so just guess what it means."

Q - And do you guess what it means?

A - Sometimes I ask mom or look at the pictures to figure it out. Or I just get it wrong.

Q - Do you like to wobble, jiggle and bounce around yourself?

A - Yes! That was an easy question.

Q - Why do you like to wobble, jiggle and bounce around?

A - It makes me get more attention and people laugh.

Q - Do you ever get in trouble for wobbling, jiggling and bouncing?

A - No, but sometimes my mom says to "slow my motor down," which means not to be so hyper. (said with a giggle)

Q - What are you doing while we are doing this interview?

A - Making sure the Monopoly Deal cards are in full sets.

Q - Do you like organizing things like that?

A - Umhmm... It makes me kind of focus.

Q - What other things do you like to do that help you to focus?

A - Umm... Organize, cleaning up, coloring, doing art and gymnastics.

Q - How does your brain feel after gymnastics?

A - It feels really sharp. I feel proud because when I do something right, I'm proud I did it.

Q - Is it ever hard to find the words you want to use?

A - Sometimes.

Q - What do you do when that happens?

A - I think very hard and then it comes back to my mind. I have to search in my mind for the right shelf and then I have to get it down.

Q - Is that ever frustrating?

A - Sometimes. It's frustrating because I really want to say the word I'm looking for and it might take a long time to find it.

Q - Do other people ever get frustrated when it takes you a long time?

A- No. I just say, I kinda forgot the word and they say, "OK" (She has now taken a break from organizing the cards and has done pull ups on the chairs)

Q - I notice you are counting the cards now, how come?

A- Counting helps me pay attention too. Math is my favorite subject in school. (Now she is drawing the number of cards in each stack in the carpet with her finger.)

Q - What do like most about yourself?

A - Ahem......I'm smart. That I'm cute - nooo wait - I'm funny. I'm a great servant and hostess.

Q - What do you think makes you wobbly, jiggly and bouncy, smart, cute, and a servant?

A - My God.

Q - Tell me about your relationship with God?

A - When I was young I didn't have a relationship with Him because I did a lot of bad stuff. I said all my sorrys and He forgave me and I got baptized.

Q - Does God ever help you when you are feeling frustrated or wobbly, jiggly or bouncy?

A - Sometimes He tries to help me be nice and calm. He helps to be smart and not pretend that I don't know what you mean.

Q - Is there anything else you want to say or share on your first interview?

A - Did we put goofy in there?

Q - No. Would you like to end with the word goofy?

A - That and that I don't like certain textures in my hands or on my body.

That concludes our first interview with Annie, who has consumed three gluten free crackers, organized a deck of cards and rearranged furniture during the course of this interview.


  1. Love that wobbly, jiggly, bouncy girl. What is an ism, again? ;)

  2. Denise, excited to follow your blog, on my list of things to do this year, but I am sure one of my "isms" will make me struggle to do that :} Loved getting to know both of your girls, what great blessing they are!!

  3. Love your blog and your family picture so beautiful!!! Thank you for posting on the All About Kids group!
