Sunday, July 18, 2010

What Are Isms?

Over the last couple of years, our family has discovered that we have been given a plethora of "isms." They have unveiled both our challenges and our strengths. Our hope is to honestly show the ups and the downs of livin' with isms. While the labels to our "isms" may not match yours, perhaps our struggle for peace and understanding will. We will throw out the names of our isms from time to time, but will rarely focus on them since knowing what "it" is - is only half the battle. The reality we have found is that the name of the ism does not define who we are or what the Lord has planned for us. We greatly live in the hope that while our "isms" help to shape us, they do not limit us. They are simply God's tool to sharpen us.

This is our family - isms and all. We sometimes make great steps of faith and find amazing victory despite our isms. Other times we feel as though we are slipping in the mire of the grip of an ism, but despite it all we remain a family deeply committed to each other and to the Father who allowed the isms to influence our lives.

Our prayer is that none of the journey will be wasted and that anything we have learned along the way, will be of use and encouragement to others.

You can look forward to writings from Ellie, a talented, bright, intuitive, 10-year-old who has lots to say about her isms. You will hear from Annie, a warm, loving and caring 7-year-old who wants to help everyone else who might have an ism. You will get a bird's eye view into Rob's world as the head of a household full of isms. We feel the need to include the occasional picture or anecdote from our dog, Chloe who is - well- just too darn cute not to include. The majority of posts will probably come in the wee hours of the night from the mom, Denise, who has learned that Livin' With Isms pushes you to the worst and best places of yourself.

So look for our future post while we are Livin' with our Isms.

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